I love finding a new home decor piece that adds warmth and life to my space, and it's a huge plus when it has a functional purpose as well. If you're anything like me, your stairs are the drop-zone for every random object that belongs upstairs and has somehow migrated downstairs. This happens daily in our house, and has only worsened since adding our two kids. The pile of random stuff will be staring at me day after day, waiting to be transported back upstairs where it belongs. But the idea of trying to wrangle that pile of random stuff haphazardly into my arms and walking upstairs with bits and pieces falling out the whole way never fails to discourage me from doing so, everyday. So, I came across what feels like the best invention ever on amazon, a stair basket. the concept seems so simple, and yet its
aken me this long to come across it. Essentially it's a stair-shaped basket with handles that you can hide all the castaway things from your downstairs in, and easily carry upstairs at the end of every day. I was able to narrow it down to four stair baskets that would easily match the style of any home, and at a good price!
Stair Baskets For Every Style!